TOR179 — KopaGas with Dr. Sebastian Rodriguez-Sanchez

Sebastian Rodriguez-Sanchez

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I take for granted that I can walk away from my microphone right now, head over to my kitchen and turn on my stove to boil water, bake a cake or cook myself a meal. And, I don’t even think about the fact that I have hot water available on demand at any time of the day. I just turn on the tap and its there.

This is not the case for millions and millions of people throughout the world. In fact, there is a huge portion of the human population that still relies on burning wood, or charcoal, for cooking and cleaning. This dependence is a massive time suck away from other productive tasks and, as we’ve heard on other episodes, a considerable health risk.

My guest for the 179th Terms of Reference Podcast has a better idea that he hopes will end the use of charcoal. Dr. Sebastian Rodriguez-Sanchez is the CEO and Co-Founder of KopaGas, a technology solutions provider of Advanced Metering Infrastructure for energy utilities. KopaGas has developed and deployed the first commercial pay-as- you-cook platform for propane.

I’m positive you’ll love this episode where Sebastian and I discuss why propane is a powerful replacement for charcoal, how he company sell and manages their smart meter system, what it takes for a family to make the change to gas and much more.

You can connect with Sebastian here:


  • Kopagas, a company that, despites its name, should be thought of a “logistics, supply chain and tech” before an energy or a gas company.
  • The opportunity of delivering cylinder gas to Africa, considering the requirements and safety compared to existing and competing forms of cooking energy
  • How African customers cannot measure the losses from continuing cooking with coal, as it is an unmeasured expense of effort
  • How better energy sources influence positive habits, like nutrition or education
  • How an optimal domestic energy solution in Africa must put a lot of consideration on the customer financing



  • Kopagas
  • Impact Fund
  • Tanzania’s Minister of State for Environment
  • GSMA’s Mobile for Development


  • Cooking energy, Gas, Charcoal
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
  • Energy Logistics, Cylinder-based Gas Delivery
  • Energy Safety
  • Electrification
  • Digital Payments, Cryptocurrencies


  • Tanzania
  • Brazil
  • Mexico


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Rain season


Kopagas does tech, supply chain, and gas

“A technology and a logistics company”


Cooking energy

Cooking gas: propane, butane. Cyllinder, bottled

Fairly cost-effective, safe, easy to transport

Popular worldwide

For Africa it’s ideal, still undeveloped

It takes less infrastructure, some thought, that’s not there

Too many African kitchens still run on charcoal

It does take a little infrastructure, but afterwards it is highly cost-effective, safer than charcoal

23% cheaper


Do people know they desperately need gas?

“It’s early day”

Over 5% of the population have access

People in rural areas may never know it exist

They can go to the woods and chop some

They spend a lot of their income on energy though

Gas addresses a basic need

The charcoal, wood methods are centuries old, inefficient

Gas releases no pollutants, unlike charcoal


But this is not a gas, rather a “tech and logistics” company

Gas wasn’t on Sebastian’s radar first starting up Kopagas

“People like to know they can afford new, better things”

Kopagas model has no upfront costs for the customer

(There are individual upfront costs)

Incremental payments structure over the cost of 2 years

At the beginning they pay back the infrastructure each time they buy gas

And a new customer means it will stay a customer for a long time

People buy via mobile payments

“Pay-as-you-cook” marketing

Kopagas is advertised through networks

Women networks are high contributors, they make each other aware of the benefits of gas

Groups also help people pay on time

Groups and mobile wallets are winning combos, proven in electricity, water

People quickly adopt gas, become more confident

With other methods they have to plan, cook large amounts, eat the same thing many days in a row

With gas cooking is simpler and varied, “more spontaneous”

Impact Fund documents new behavior, qualitative

Propane fuels a billion homes worldwide

Big in Latin America, where Sebastian is from

“It is the fuel of choice”


Above 100% retention rate

“We have more demand than that with which we can keep up”

Another line sells gas to businesses, it’s currently the main source of revenue

Gas has greatly increased quality of life

“We continue to find ways to improve the use of gas”

The goal is to achieve 100% share of energy consumption with gas. It will take a few years


How about the pushbacks?

Entrenched behavior favor charcoal

A continuous tailoring of offers, payment options

Warm showers is a big selling point for men

Tanzanian co-founder

He was well off, top 5% income percentile in the country

It was difficult even for him to find a steady supply of gas, especially in extraordinary circumstances

Kopagas: long term investment in gas cylinders, stoves

Special equipment required authorized personnel to manage, open and close the tanks

“Stick and carrot in the system”

Cylinder is removed from the picture

Lots of bad cylinder practices, like not being filled at full capacity

Another investment was the distribution networks

Cylinder lasts for 3 weeks


LPG Cylinder Research & Development, Automated, Digital Systems

Kopagas’ focus was to rethink the value chain

From the bottling and warehouses to the distribution to the maintenance

Special software tools, GPS

Looking to become cashless

Previously the team was involved in smart meters

Price of gas remains low

Thank ~fracking~ the shale revolution

“We have some brilliant Tanzanians”

Digital building blocks, including payments, become more accessible over time


The big, 5-year challenge is logistics

Tanzania is huge

Most people are disperse across rural areas

Gateway to Lake countries

The grid does not make it there

Gas cylinder delivery often follows dirt paths

Before venture capital gets more excited, a “little grid” is in the works

It will help on gas delivery

Homes spend a long time sourcing wood and charcoal, but they don’t see it a cost as they don’t have to pay

The vision: accelerate transition

Lower costs, overinvest, on cylinders

Low-level investments tend to come with inefficiencies

Better capital endowment helps manage risks better

“Cylinders are cheaper than pipes”

Mexico decided not to go ahead with pipe infrastructure

Bottling facilities are tricky, but a good investment

Infrastructures might be less costly than solar, even help fund the development of renewables

It’s been similarly done on Latin America, Asia


Predictive analytics for the soul

“The cylinder is very humble”

Tanzania’s Environment Minister is supportive

Current campaign against charcoal

Not so vocal about gas, but the advantages are evident

Vast deposits of gas discovered recently

It will lower the cost keep down

Can the cylinder become as sexy as electricity?

Scantily cost set-up  project could do the trick

Brazil is doing interesting things in terms of government sponsorship

Technologies are also showing efficiency gains

New financial tools help spread the service further

Kopagas adds assurances for investors and customers, to help track, for value an accountability



After the friend bootstrapped it, GSMA a association jumped on board

They are interested to sort issues to deliv00:00 er more value-added services


Belles of Sebastian


China – without whose people Kopagas might not have been possible



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