TOR059: Fighting Racism With Priscilla Brice

Priscilla Brice

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Priscilla Brice is the founder and Managing Director of All Together Now, Australia’s only national racism prevention charity. She has a decade of experience managing social marketing and social change projects, specializing in online communications. Prior to working in the not-for-profit sector, Priscilla worked as an equities research assistant in the investment banking sector. Priscilla is a recipient of the Churchill Fellowship and the University of Western Sydney Community Award for establishing the award-winning One Parramatta project and All Together Now more broadly. You can connect with Priscilla here:


  • The pervasive ‘personal racism’ in Australia, and its substantive differences with that in Europe and the U.S.
  • Priscilla’s unusual career path, but the unique set of skills it allowed her to bring to the field.
  • Her data driven initiatives, which have been met with critical acclaim. Priscilla is only beginning.
  • The managerial challenges of working with a team of volunteers, even volunteer managers, and her endless quest for the perfect business model.




  • Racism, history of segregation, nationalism
  • Social marketing
  • Volunteer-based organization
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Investment banking


  • Parramatta District, Sydney, Australia
  • London


All Together Now Only national racism prevention charity. Very underdeveloped cause. Australia has a long history of racism and segregation. Far behind in the race conversation. Institutional racism is a strong problem, but there is also personal racism, which Priscilla argues is more prominent in Australia, unlike the U.S. Related to nationalism. Campaigns Everyday racism app, for you to experience racism. No match on the app market now. Storylines around personal challenges for people in different races. The app collects data for racism research by academic partners. High download success, but people drop out on the app in less than a week. The important thing is that people know what racism is, what it’s not, what can and cannot be attributed to it. Deeper on the app Social marketing. Lots of experimentation around behaviors, experiences. Parramatta pilot. Does it reach the racists? “Polls show 15% of Australians oppose cultural diversity, 40% are ambivalent. An app is not going to change their minds. We need to apply other approaches to get their attention. The app is directed to bystanders. It is also about involving the victims of racism into the communities. Advocates, people who raise their voices, are the true drivers of change. When Priscilla saw that something was not right Early ’90s, she was working in investment banking, moved to London. Uncertain about the career path. Moves to tech. Starts volunteering, building websites for NGOs. Back to Sydney gets involved in international development. “I started to understand issues more deeply. There is a lot of research on racism, but very little activism. Getting into it full time was a 6 month decision process. It started bootstrapped. Initial and current challenges I’m more confident in this position than I was a year ago.” The first one is the hardest, there is not a lot of information about how to get started on this. A strong team of volunteers has been solidified. A pool of support is established. Volunteers are mostly university students, people with experience in education, or who worked with migrants. Organizing a volunteer team It has taken several attempts to find a model that works fast. Managers are volunteers too. Face to face communication is very important. Currently on an MBA, always looking at how to apply high level skills into her organization. Failed There are communication, promotion, resource allocation failures all the time. Failures are a waste of time if you don’t move on. A lot of effort in management structure and efficient resources. A detailed plan the volunteer firm is very involved with. Priscilla organizing herself Discipline for current projects, looking for funding for the next one, and her studies. Each project has a manager that is not her. I try really hard not to do any work in the weekend. Avoiding exhaustion is not always possible. The future MBA, to stabilize the organization and make it successful. All about strategy, expansion, keep working in the business model. “There is something else out there I’m not sure we’ve caught on. Advice Volunteer. Academic credentials are also necessary but not sufficient. Be genuine.” Employers will want to ascertain how genuine you and your intentions are about a given cause. “You have to go above and beyond. Have an understanding of politics, both national and office, and how systems work. Be adaptive, keep the big picture in mind.

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