TOOLKIT: Start Up Necessities for Making The Leap

Making the leap

One of the more comforting things about working for someone else, or an established organization, is just that: someone else, or some group of people, have taken the time to establish the organization or practice. They put together the administrative structures that are necessary, gone through the legal hassles of setting up an organization and determined the focus, the vision and the area of products or services that are delivered. In short, they’ve built the package that you as an employee are now being asked to join to sustain and grow.

When you’re considering making the leap to become and independent professional, or start your own organization, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the prospect of all of the “new” work it will create or all of the “new” knowledge you need to have to run a successful business.

Don’t Worry!

I promise you it’s much more simple than you think. I’ve designed this toolkit specifically to discuss the critical pieces you need to have a place in order to make a successful leap to independence or starting your own organization.

By completing this toolkit, you should have confidence that you can take clear next steps on the minimum requirements you need to have in place so that you will be able to:

  1. Communicate consistently about the brand and the service and the products that you are offering,
  2. Accept work, execute and complete sales, and
  3. Take care of the simple administration of running a business (things like bookkeeping and registration).
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