TOOLKIT: Opportunity Analysis Worksheet

Everyone loves new opportunity – it’s a chance to go to a new country or region, work with new people, increase responsibility, deepen your experience and much more. If you’re like other aidpreneurs, there is little more exciting than receiving a notification email from a client that your proposal has been accepted.

The road to realizing this feeling is long (even with the smallest of individual consulting opportunities) and comes with its fair share of twists and turns. Part of our focus here at Aidpreneur is to make sure you have the tools and skills you need to navigate this process systematically and effortlessly.

Working on the assumption that you know where to find new opportunities for RFAs, RFPs and RFQs, and that you’ve already run those opportunities through your high level “go/no-go” filters, you should be left with a nice, neat pile of tenders to consider.

Rather than bringing each tender in its entirety to the table for consideration by your business development team or leadership, you need a way to brief the team with all the details they’ll need in order to make a final prioritization and decision to pursue (or not).

At my firm, ISG, we know this briefing as the Opportunity Analysis.

The Opportunity Analysis consists of the basic, critical, nuts-and-bolts information necessary to successfully submit a proposal for the tender, and an analysis about why (and why not) each opportunity is a good decision for your company, or you, to pursue.

If you aren’t already using a software tool for managing your pipeline of opportunities (which should allow you to build out the Opportunity Analysis), we’ve created an example Opportunity Analysis worksheet for you to use.

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