Road Rules for Reply All

A critical part of your success as an Aidpreneur rests on your ability to be an effective, and appropriate, communicator.  Especially because so much of what we do, and therefore what we communicate, is through the written word via email (still the most popular form of communication, even in the social media era), it’s super important to make sure you’re always presenting yourself professionally.

This includes your use of the oft-misused “Reply All” button.

It’s somewhat shocking that in 2014 we still need to talk about this issue. But, given the recent meltdown at Conde Nast, the ensuing clamor from others lamenting similar situations and my umpteen personal experiences in project teams at large NGOs and UN Agencies, I thought I would share something I read waaaaay back in 2010, when Gawker’s Bryan Moylan, wrote a fantastic (and humorous) article that provides guidelines for using Reply All.

Follow Bryan’s advice and the (email communication) world will be a better place, and more importantly, you will be a better development/aid professional (and human being, LOL!).

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